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Premier Manager 08 RIP  

დასახელება : Premier Manager 08
გამოსვლის წელი : 2007
ჟანრი : სტრატეგია, სპორტი
გამომშვები : ZOO Digital Publishing
პლატფორმა : Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
ინტერფეისის ენა : ინგლისური

თამაშის შესახებ:
Premier Manager, the multi-million unit selling football management simulator is back for another season in the top flight. Playability is central to the ethos of Premier Manager and 08 offers all football fans, young and old, the most accessible entry point to the management genre.

Playability has always been at the core of Premier Manager and will be enhanced by a refreshed user interface, which enables extremely simple navigation and will make Premier Manager 08 one of the most accessible management games on the market. A revamped character system will integrate with a vastly enhanced set of facilities, such as training centres, to deliver a new reward system that will see a club’s players and staff improve inline with the quality of the tools at their disposal.

სისტემური მოთხოვნილებები:
Intel Pentium 1 GHz, 512Mb RAM, 128mb Graphics Card

დაყენების ინსტრუქცია:
1. ამოაარქივეთ ფაილი
2. გაუშვით setup.bat
3. დააჭირეთ PM08.exe_ს
4. ითამაშეთ

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